IPL uses a handheld device that emits pulses of broad spectrum light through direct contact with the skin to act on the deeper layers of the skin. This service is ideal for targeting broken capillaries, sun damage, and other impurities. Photo rejuvenation allows patients to transform their complexion with just a few services. IPL photofacials are among the most effective and beneficial services you can try. While the procedure can only be performed on lighter skin tones, it is a great option for dark sun spots and sun damage.
What benefits does IPL provide?
IPL photofacials provide so many amazing benefits to your skin! Among them are:
- Repairs irregularities – photofacials are a great solution when it comes to clearing the skin. Visible small blood vessels, sunspots, liver (age) spots, hyperpigmentation, freckles, discolorations, and other pigmentation irregularities can all be addressed with IPL.
- Helps control acne – IPL can help sufferers of severe acne, along with other issues of inflammation and redness. In addition, IPL can help when it comes to eliminating large pores, thus reducing the appearance of acne on the skin. While it cannot be used with active acne, when the acne is not active it is a great option.
- Reduces skin redness – sufferers of rosacea or other conditions that cause redness of the skin can be treated by IPL. It serves as an excellent solution in helping to create an even and natural complexion.
- Minimizes signs of aging – photofacials help in reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sunspots. IPL also has the ability to stimulate collagen growth and improves the overall texture of the skin.
How often should I get an IPL Photofacial service?
Many people will get IPL photofacials once per month.
What areas can be targeted with IPL Photofacials?
IPL photofacials can be done on almost any part of the body. It is typically performed on the face, chest, upper back, and hands. Please ask your esthetician about any areas you would like to receive an IPL photofacial and they can guide you on the proper session for each area.
What can I expect during my IPL Photofacial session?
Your IPL photofacial session will last approximately 30 minutes. You will lay back and the Georgia Licensed Laser Practitioner will perform the IPL photofacial service using one of our professional grade FDA cleared lasers. Proper eye wear is required due to the intense flashes of light that occur during the procedure. You will feel a light sensation over the skin as the device is flashed over the desired areas.
Why come to dermani MEDSPA® for IPL Photofacials?
dermani MEDSPA® uses only Georgia licensed staff to perform our procedures. Our staff trains other estheticians to perform the procedures we do each day. Our affordable membership program makes a skin maintenance program affordable and coincides with our evidence-based medical approach. Click here to find out more about our affordable Skin Rejuvenation services that you can take advantage of as a member! Membership requires no sign up or hidden fees.